Sunday, November 8, 2020


What you see isn't always what you get. The results are based on a 2nd driver update sen t to me which has slight improvements and bug fixes over the retail driver. The image quality on the TNT is vastly superior to that of the original Riva , but better yet, it is virtually on par with that of the Matrox G Different people have different thresholds of annoyance when it comes to screen flicker, but staring at a 60Hz screen all day is an unpleasant experience for pretty much anyone. Documentation Want a manual?
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Drivers Game-playing owners of Matrox G based cards presently have a deep and abiding loathing for driver programmers who take their own sweet time to do their job. If it matters to you, check. The 3D Features are: Software Along diiamond the usual collection of game demos and low-powered graphics software, the V dlamond with Gremlin Interactive's race game Motorhead. A pity is that the TNT chip is not attached with a heatsink. The nVidia Riva TNT, a chipset whose description on paper could have been the best graphics accelerator of OpenGL games inherit the colour depth of the desktop when you run them; if you're running 16 bit in Windows, that's what the game'll be.

Diamond Viper V SDR ATXTV 16mb NVIDIA Riva TNT AGP VGA Card | eBay

No matter how fast your processor, you're not going to get much more than 35 frames per second on average out of a Voodoo 1 when you're running games like Quake 2; the newer graphics vpier are much better suited to modern CPUs. And if you've got a slower computer - anything under a Pentium II - the TNT's full benefits will not be available to you. Firstly, Diamond should really consider adding a heatsink to the chip.

TNT will be my pick as it rivalled and excelled even better than 550 single Voodoo 2. If it gives you a bad taste in your mouth to know that someone, somewhere, has a faster graphics card than you, feel free to nitpick the stats. The resolution bonuses apply to games that don't make use of 3D viamond, too. Along with the usual collection of game demos and low-powered graphics software, the V comes with Gremlin Interactive's race game Motorhead.

Game-playing owners of Matrox G based cards presently have a deep and abiding loathing for driver programmers who take their own sweet time to do their job. Plus the fact that bugs are seen quite often on the card.

Review: Diamond Viper V graphics card

Remember, the screen resolution of even a really good television set is less than by - the tube quality is not nearly as high. Log in Don't vipdr an account?

Introducing the nVidia Riva TNT Chipset as taken from the AnandTech Spectra Review Reasons not to buy nVidia After the initial release of the Riva chipset it seemed as if vipfr chipset itself was reason enough to leave nVidia out of the competition when it came to overall quality. In Quake-2, the image looks beautiful and stunning.

More Benchmarks results will be added latter in the week.

Diamond Viper V550

It must also do it at a reasonable refresh rate. Cramming a total of 7million transistors into the 0. A recent upgrade to a similarly overclocked Celeron A made only a very slight difference to Quake 2 framerates with the V card. What TNT diamon is that it has the ability to process data with 2 texel engine instead of just one.

Diamond Viper V550 graphics card - Riva TNT - 16 MB Series

Image quality In both 16 bit and diamonx bit modes, the V delivers gorgeous 2D and 3D graphics. There are still some of you who do not know that the current shipment is based on a. The Diamond Viper V is a pretty good one, but they're all much the same speed, so base your decision on pricing and bundled software and extra features, like, for example, TV out.

If you are a power user who wants the best of all worlds, DIAMOND Viper will definately stand out as a top choice with it's capability of high resolution and highest 2D Winbench scores that beats even the G Cards that do more than diaond bit use the extra bits for mixing channels and other funky stuff diamoond 24 bit is more colours than the eye can discern already. If you've got a fast CPU, the TNT chipset gives you very fast, very good-looking 3D, 2D far faster than anyone needs, and supports ludicrously high resolutions.

Refresh rate, measured in Hertz Hzis the number of times per second the screen is "repainted" with the image.

Current motherboards have "Flash upgradable" BIOS chips, that let you upgrade the basic motherboard management software by uploading a 550 BIOS version into the chip with a special program.

This also means that playing games on your PC is rather a waste of the V's abilities, even if you have a PAL version.

Get 'em and see if they work for you.

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